I’ve been to over a dozen DrupalCons in seven years, starting with the first one, in Antwerp. But it’s a special one for me because it’s the first time I’ll attend as a Commerce Guy, and the first one in my adopted home of Germany.
I’ll be busy — as will several other folks at Commerce Guys. Besides unveiling some surprises and showing off the all-new Commerce Kickstart, we’ll also be taking part in some fun and informative sessions. Here’s the schedule:
The number of sessions at DrupalCon can be overwhelming. But if you’re interested in Drupal Commerce, consider these the “must-see" events. I look forward to seeing you there! Photo credit: joiseyshowaa

Drupal-Powered eCommerce
Monday from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Westin Grand München On Monday, Ryan Szrama will lead his excellent training session on Drupal Commerce. If you can make it to this, it will make a huge impact on what you are able to do with commerce. Plus, he's a really entertaining presenter.Welcome! Get your Drupal(Con) on!
Tuesday at 8:00am, main auditorium I know this is awfully early for some of you, but believe me: You don’t want to miss this. As we’ve done at previous DrupalCons, my old friend jam and I will be dressing up, making noise, and starting DrupalCon off right. We’ll have special musical guests and other surprises that’ll make this the most talked-about session at the ‘con. (At least until Dries’ keynote, which follows immediately after.)Instant Drupal Shopping Sites with Commerce Kickstart
Tuesday at 2:15pm, Day Stage We’ve been talking about it for months: Now you get a thorough tour by Drupal Commerce, and a preview of our further product plans.Comparing the Drupal Cloud Providers in the Market
Tuesday at 3:45pm, Day Stage George Demet leads a panel of representatives from Acquia, AppFog, Pantheon, and Microsoft, who’ll discuss and compare their offerings. Why am I on it? Wait and see....Selling Into the Enterprise - How to talk to Enterprises and get away with it
Tuesday at 5:00pm, Day Stage I’ll be leading a panel of people from NodeOne, ProPeople, Voxel/Internap, and Zoocha who have wide-ranging experience selling to large organizations. Definitely come to this if you’re looking to increase the size and ambition of the Drupal projects you work on — or if you just want tips for better landing and servicing the leads you have.Next Steps for Drupal Commerce
Wednesday at 10:45am, Ballsaal A/B This is the talk that packs the hall at every DrupalCon. Ryan Szrama will discuss how Drupal Commerce’s current status, how it got to be what it is, and where it’s likely to be tomorrow.Selling to the Enterprise
Wednesday at 1:00pm, Ballsaal A/B I’ll team up with my former colleague Jim Shaw to expose the nuts and bolts of selling Drupal to large organizations. While you’ll hear a variety of experiences at the panel on Tuesday at 5:00pm, this session focuses on process and strategies that are common to all enterprise sales groups.Different ways to control your layout
Wednesday at 1:00pm, (Sheraton Hotel) Cuvillies If you’re more of an artistic bent, be sure to check out the panel that our own Kris Vandewater will be on. It’ll show you a variety of ways to affect how pages are displayed, including Panels, Context, and Display Suite.The number of sessions at DrupalCon can be overwhelming. But if you’re interested in Drupal Commerce, consider these the “must-see" events. I look forward to seeing you there! Photo credit: joiseyshowaa
Can we pleeeease visit that
Can we pleeeease visit that palace? : )
I thought that was Robert's
I thought that was Robert's home?
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