Planet Drupal

Guest Blog: eCommerce for Manufacturers Part 1: Product Customization

Manufacturing and wholesale is a neglected sector when it comes to optimizing for eCommerce. Most businesses use outdated online approaches to lead generation and sales in what is now a sophisticated digital retail environment. Simply providing product overviews and product order sheets online is no longer enough to make the sale. For the big, high-volume projects supplied by manufacturers, the efficiency of digital tools is invaluable. 

Guest Blog: Happy Workflow, Happy Customer

There’s nothing more frustrating than a company with poor customer service, that doesn’t anticipate clients’ needs or respect their wishes. If you’re selling anything online, especially globally, you want to make sure your customer is, if not happy, satisfied enough to avoid a fit of rage. But when you’re overwhelmed and overworked—during busy sales seasons, for example—you might not cater to customers at the level you want.
You always want to be the “good” company—but you can’t do that effectively without a streamlined workflow. One way to avoid dismaying customers is by ensuring your workflow is seamless.

Evolving Drupal Commerce Support

As one of the most recent additions to the Commerce Guys team—I’m the new Director of Customer Support & Service—I’ve been presented with a unique and exciting challenge: to further develop how Commerce Guys offers support of Drupal Commerce in a way that meets current market needs and implements commercial software support industry standards, all in the context of the largest self-supporting, open-source community there is. 


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