Drupal 7

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce File (Screencast)

Commerce File is an outstanding and mature module that allows you to sell downloads. It uses Drupal 7's private file system and provides a field that can be added to a product for the downloadable item. If you're interested in Commerce File, you may also be interested in the Commerce Downloads distribution, which comes with Commerce File completely preconfigured for use.

Here's how you set up to sell downloads with Drupal Commerce:

Commerce Discount Campaign Feature (Screencast)

Discounts in Commerce have generally required configuration using rules, and have often required hand-applied configuration and wired-in discount amounts, which is probably out of reach for many site managers. In the Commerce Discount Campaign Feature I've put together a few rules with a content type so that discount amounts and dates can be done just by editing a node. This screencast tells how.

Using Calculation Rules to Add Per-Item Shipping in Commerce Shipping (screencast)

In this screencast I demonstrate how to do shipping charges per item in the cart. It shows using a loop in Rules and how to do something new and different with shipping.

We want to add $5.00 to the shipping charge for every item they have. So if the quantity is 5 for some line item, we'll add $25 to the shipping charge.

The technique is this:


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