Since the launch of the Drupal Commerce Delivery Partner program at DrupalCon Portland and my last blog describing our unique approach to partnering, we have received lots of interest from Drupal and non-Drupal integrators interested in expanding their Commerce business and leveraging the unique skills, expertise, and services of Commerce Guys to deliver projects quicker and with less risk. The following provides a brief overview of what we have been up to.
Launching the Drupal Commerce Delivery Partner Portal
Key to our strategy for working more closely with Delivery Partners, is the launch last week of the Drupal Commerce Delivery Partner Portal which will be important to creating a meaningful partner program that represents the collective ideas, interests, needs, and input of key stakeholders in this Delivery Partner community.
The purpose of this site is to provide an open and transparent forum to view, influence, and collaborate on key decisions and program elements that will help to ensure a healthy and valuable partner program. As the Commerce Guys, our role is to facilitate this collaboration, and enable the community through our expert Drupal Commerce services, ultimately to delivery customer success for all of us.
To register and begin contributing, visit http://partners.commerceguys.com
Promoting Delivery Partners on Marketplace
In Q3 we will be promoting Delivery Partners on Commerce Marketplace. Commerce Marketplace is where all Drupal Commerce and Commerce Kickstart users will go to find proven products and services to build and enhance their site. Delivery Partners who meet certain criteria will be promoted on Commerce Marketplace. If you are interested in helping to define these criteria log in to the Partner Portal and give us your feedback.
Commerce Assurance Reduces Risk of Downtime
Two areas of feedback we have consistently received is the need for a Commerce Guys service that reduces the risk of delayed projects and site downtime. Given the importance of commerce sites to most companies, these projects need to be delivered on-time, they need to work, and problems in production need to be resolved immediately. Our Commerce Assurance offering bundles Project Assurance and L2/L3 Support and is designed to supplement your projects and provide you with the backing and support needed to ensure success for you and your customer.
How Do I Become a Delivery Partner?
We are often asked "how do I participate and become a Delivery Partner". Given our open approach to partnering, we welcome anyone who wants to make Commerce a strategic part of their business. We know that a meaningful partner program requires governance standards and policies that will reward those partners who invest and ensure success for customers who engage with qualified partners. We believe that those policies should come from the Delivery Partner community rather than the Commerce Guys. So if you want to be involved in the creation of this program (or simply want to follow the progress) log in to http://partners.commerceguys.com.
So how do you get started? The answer is simple;
- Contact us if you need help selling or closing a Commerce opportunity
- Team with us on joint marketing efforts to identify new business
- Include Commerce Guys expert services and proven products to supplement your project and ensure a successful implementation
- Enhance your support offering with Commerce Guys providing L2/L3 support to you, to provide assurance of fast problem resolution.
- Promote your success by uploading your customer success stories to theDrupal Commerce Showcase.
We are excited about your interest in Drupal Commerce and your confidence in Commerce Guys to jointly pursue and expand the Drupal Commerce market.
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