As Greg wrote yesterday, you should come to DrupalCamp Colorado. He gave plenty of great reasons to come, and I'll add that you should also come for the scenery. The mountains rock, and seeing a thunderstorm break over the range is breathtaking (perhaps even moreso from the top of Mount Evans : ).
Focusing on the event itself, Commerce Guys will be there for the third year running to put Drupal powered e-commerce on the agenda. We're bringing members of our team and community contributors to Drupal Commerce to co-host a Commerce Camp on-site. During the event itself, that means you can get the latest on e-commerce in Drupal 7 and developing sites and modules with Drupal Commerce from session in the camp's Commerce track.
Additionally, we'll be showing up on Monday to host a Drupal Commerce contrib / UX sprint in Denver June 7 - 10. We expect to show up in Denver with a release candidate under our belts so we can spend some serious time planning and developing some of those essential contributed modules I talk about that are critical to Drupal Commerce's success. We already have a collection of 41 contributed modules and counting, but some of those need some focused attention to add features and review the code and usability. Please leave a comment if you're interested in joining us for any or all of the time, and we'll be sure to communicate and get you plugged in!
Fortunately, we'll also have members of Drupal's usability team present to provide general usability review with a special emphasis on simplifying the relation between products and product displays. We knew this was going to be a challenge to simplify and communicate when we decided on the architecture, so we're making sure the issue doesn't slip through the cracks. In preparation for this, we'll be doing some fairly quick remote usability tests over Skype between now and the sprint. If you are interested in trying out Commerce but haven't gotten to it yet and haven't watched any of my sessions or videos demonstrating how I've built the demo site's product types and displays, you can apply here to volunteer for the test.
I look forward to seeing many of you there!