We had a great time last weekend in Denver for DrupalCamp Colorado 2010. Many thanks to the organizers, sponsors, presenters, and attendees who made the camp a success and a very worthwhile learning event. There's a lot of great Drupal talent in the area, and we particularly enjoyed sessions on security, Drupal 7, and scalability by Greg Knaddison, Randy Fay (and others), and Nate Haug respectively.
After trips to the mountains and (for Damien) flying across 8 timezones, a few of the Guys still had the energy to join in with presentations. Kris Vanderwater came with us to present his Contextual Administration module and pinch hit in a Panels session, Damien joined a session on baffling Drupal bugs, and Ryan presented a session covering general tips for e-commerce on Drupal and another covering all things Drupal Commerce (slides available on SlideShare).
Getting more people psyched about Drupal Commerce was great preparation for this week's Drupal Commerce Sprint in Jackson, MI. The sprint began June 29 and continues to July 2. Work so far has involved a full code and UI audit with Damien Tournoud and Bojhan Somers, issues preparation for the week's development, more UI design, Google Summer of Code project review, and actual development targeting the checkout process and payment. We're excited by the ground covered thus far and look forward to really knocking out some issues tomorrow and especially Friday as we're joined by a couple other sprinters. Join us in the issue queue through the short link http://bit.ly/dcsprint3.
This is also quite likely the first ever Drupal code sprint to involve development in the day and work on a farm in the evening. We've been enjoying some fun here in rural Michigan with cookouts, post hole digging, and tractor driving around Mike's farm. Not a bad way to stretch muscles and relax brains after a day's work planning and developing. Word on the street is Bojhan might leave here a driver! Pictures of Damien on a tractor to come in the full sprint review...