Commerce Module Tuesday

Custom Email Notifications in Drupal Commerce (screencast)

This screencast demonstrates how to do custom per-product email notifications. After adding a multivalued "notification" field to the product, we can check through the order on order completion to see if there are products which have product owners who need to be notified. The logic is "When the checkout process is completed", Loop through the line items in the order. For each line item, call a component (a Rules subroutine) that checks to see if the line item is associated with a product, and if so, if it has notification fields filled out.

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Price Savings Formatter

Commerce Price Savings Formatter achieves a very demanded and useful feature for managing Drupal Commerce prices, it displays the original price of the products crossed and enhances the discounted price, displaying the amount and percentage that the customer would save if they purchase the item. All those components are optional so you can choose which to show in your prices.

Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Views Bulk Operations

Commerce Views Bulk Operations replaces Drupal Commerce default administrative Views for managing Orders, Products, Product Displays, Customer Profiles, etc and allows to perform massive operations on all those items, easing administrative tasks.

When you enable this module, some of the default views that are disabled, those will be enabled again when disabling Commerce VBO.

Thanks to the Rules integration with Views Bulk Operations, you can also configure new custom Rules actions and expose them to Views.


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